Every new session is a new Spire to challenge. The roguelike element meanwhile is the exploration. The default character deck can be enhanced by collecting cards from battles. The Defect uses ancient technology, elemental spells, unique orb mechanics and an orb channeling relic. The Silent uses daggers, poison, blocking, maneuvers and extra card draw relic. The Ironclad has balanced cards of physical offense, defensive stances, infernal powers, and healing relic. Each class has a different set of cards, passive skills, and relics. There are three playable classes in the game: Ironclad, Silent, and Defect. Players select a character with individually unique deck. It hosts powerful relics while inhabited by bizarre creatures. Slay the Spire takes place in a sinister infrastructure called the Spire. Players traverse in branching paths, fight different kinds of enemies and progress longer until their character dies. The strategy game combines card game mechanics with roguelike elements. Slay the Spire is a strategy game created by Mega Crit Games. Softonic review Relentless Roguelike Card Battle